Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Day or Two of Travel

The morning started off in Manchester, then we had a flight to Philedelphia with a long lay over there and of course some delays.  The next flight took us to Madrid and that plane ride was by far the worst, 7 hours with zero leg room which meant not a lot of sleep.  Another long lay over and a confusing airport, until we hit our last flight to Granada.  Our family met us there, very enthusiastic and fairly easy to understand.  They live in an apartment building on the 4th floor and Casey and I are sharing a room.  Theres a lot of closet space and bureaus, and bunk beds to make room for all our activities! They fed us a giant lunch, (Pepe is convinced that we need to get fatter to be stronger and is always trying to force us more food).  There was pasta, little garlic mussels, bread, cheese, spanish ham, and little chocolate truffles to top it all off.  Being stuffed, and exhausted our next instinct was to sleep, but instead we unpacked and organized things trying to be social in the living room, but Filo was cleaning and Pepe fell asleep on the couch.  
Our day progressed and somehow turned into night, we didn't eat until about 8:30pm and then afterwards went out to get a short tour of Granada. They brought us to the central area, and to our school which is probably a good 25 minute walk or so.  Its all very beautiful with cobblestone walkways and fountains everywhere. At this point though, its now 11pm Spain time, and its 6 hours ahead here.   I've been awake since early Friday morning and US time its now Saturday evening.  One hour of sleep isnt really treating me that well so bed and a shower are the next necessary steps. We have our route mapped out for the morning and hopefully I'll be a little more lively then!

Meeting with our professor in the morning and who knows what else the day has in store for us.
Let the adventures begin!